Investments and Impact

Through impact investing we focus on movements happening on the macro-level that influence people and businesses greatly as we navigate ourselves forward in challenging times.

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About Movements Invest

Kyrre’s holding company Creator of Movements AS invests in the most sustainable and transformational companies.

These companies become our partners as they align with our intention of creating movements for a sustainable world.

Many of them support the needs and desires in our community of movers and shakers.

We encourage you to invest in or support our partners and friends.

Kyrre’s introduction was fantastic! And it made each one of us here at Partnership for Change question: Are we really moving forward towards a sustainable society?
— Michael Green, CEO The Social Progress Imperative

Links to products and services

Everything creates movement. These are some of the products we use for optimal health. (List to be expanded soon.)

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Mentoring for the investor

Kyrre mentors investors that want to make a positive impact.

  • Get feedback on your unconscious mindset about money and wealth

  • Learn how your investment and risk profile is connected to your body’s subtle movements

  • How to transition from a competition mindset to a partnership mindset

  • See your personal dynamics and market position in relation to global dynamics